November 21, 2022
East Road Booster Pump Station HAWSCO is actively engaged with the Southern NH Regional Water Project (SNHRWP) and, as part of the overall project, completed the construction of this booster station in Plaistow, NH. The East Rd Booster station supplies water from the SNHRWP pipeline to the Town of Plaistow at a rate of up to 500 GPM filling the newly constructed 400,000 Gallon Water Tank on Sweet Hill Rd. HAWSCO constructed the Booster Station facility complete from the ground up including but not limited to site work, building construction, installation of the 2 Booster Pumps, all related piping, valves, instrumentation, sampling equipment and electrical control panels for the Town of Plaistow. There are two 20 HP Domestic Water Pumps that deliver 500 GPM each at 95’ TDH through 12” Ductile Iron Mains. This station is designed to automatically maintain programmed level setpoints in the Sweet Hill Water Tank with variable flows of 0-500 GPM through VFD’S and a SCADA Control System with a local SCADA control panel with a Touchscreen Operator Interface and remote SCADA PC’s with a fully programmable control system and alarm call out system.